классная песня! и слова мне нравяться (мини отрывок из текста песни)
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Walking down the street tonight Like every night nowhere to go No one on the street tonight And no one waiting up at home
Watching as my cigarette is spinning smoke into the wind Watching as the time goes by I think about the fix I’m in
Only you can come to save me Being all alone has made me shake down Break down
Give me everything I’m missing Give me deep and soft, sweet kissing Touch my skin
the Chemodan - Yao Min И это жизнь. Такая жизнь в Китае. Я в Китае не жил, Тем не менее знаю. Льются слова Через слезы, через силу Yao Min всем вам выроет могилу.
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I got a heart full of pain, head full of stress, hair full of anger Hell did my chest And everything left is waste of time I hate my rhymes, but hate everyone else's more I'm riding on the back of this pressure Guessing that it's better I can't keep myself together Because all of this stress gave me something to write on Pain gave me something I could set my sights on Never forget the blood, sweat and tears The uphill struggle over years The fear and the trash talking to the people it was to And the people that started it just like you...